3d Art and Animation by Stephen Dowdy

Flight of the Dodo (2011)

This is only the inital pre-visualisation animatic, intended to allow me to quickly test ideas for composition, pacing and editing and with a very rough audio track. It is not the final quality animation or render - that's still in the pipeline. 
The idea evolved from a whimsical thought about whether flightless birds know they are really birds and are jealous of their airborne brethren. It's actually only the central third of a longer story about how the seagulls are bullying and makng fun of the grounded dodos and the revenge our hero takes on them with the help of a sympathetic ostrich. 
The modelling and animation was done with Lightwave 3D using very simple geometry for the most part and a basic skeleton so that I could render the scenes quickly as at this stage I was only interested in working out the basis animation, camera angles etc. It was edited and the audio added in Premiere Elements. I will probably use the final version as a training excerise in character animation which, at the moment, is one of my weakest skills.